Sorry, zombies, I don’t like you that much after all.

by Gina

Once upon a time, I wanted to add supernatural elements to my blog. I thought maybe I’d start with zombies. Realizing that I didn’t know as much about zombies as I did almost every other creature in the world of fantasy, I decided to do some research before blogging. During that research, I became very bored, very quickly. Turns out, I’m just not that into zombies.

Don’t get me wrong… I enjoy the occasional zombie story. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was a fun. Fido was hilariously cute and definitely worth watching. A few other zombie stories have entertained me. But, this experiences reminded me that I only like zombies a little. I’ve always been more of a vampire girl (and a unicorn/hobbit/minotaur/ghost girl). My entire life, it’s always been zombies in moderation, and vampires with gluttonous zeal. With that in mind, I have no idea what I was thinking when the thought of zombie blogging first popped into my head. Maybe I was tired and felt zombie-like? Who knows?

From now on, I’m going to stick with what I like and what I know (which, admittedly, isn’t much).


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